Page 31 - PARTS2021_US
P. 31

                                                    FINISH PRICE CATEGORY                               FINISH PRICE CATEGORY
                              Model No &              A         B                  Model No &              A        B
                              Description            CHROME        OTHER           Description           CHROME        OTHER
                                PRESSURE BALANCE                                    SHOWER ARM & FLANGES

                                9YPRBPL9A             158.00   271.00               9YSPTDM1K             69.00    104.00
                                Cover Plate (2Y)                                    8"  Wall Shower Arm
                                9YPRBPL8A             158.00   271.00               9YHHSIS2B             24.00     40.00
                                Cover Plate (4Y) (4M)                               Flange
                                                                                    9XSHWSA1C                  15.00
                                9YTCSSL1B             31.00     60.00               Nipple 1/2' NPT x 1/2" x 3"
                                Diverter / Pressure Balance Sleeve
                                                                                    9YSHWWM1F             87.00    143.00
                                9YPRBPL3A             31.00     60.00               16˝ Shower Arm Only
                                PRBL Stopper
                                9YPRBKN5A             47.00     79.00
                                PRBL Diverter Trim
                                                                                    9YSHWSA3C             24.00     40.00
                                9YPRBKN6A             55.00     95.00               Shower Arm Flange (common)
                                PRBL Diverter Extension
                                                                                    9YSHWSA4B             64.00    104.00
                                9XVLVGN2B                  28.00                    8" Ceiling Arm Only
                                Handle Adaptor
                                                                                    9YSHWSA3C             24.00     40.00
                                HHO07                 72.00    111.00               Shower Arm Flange (common)
                                Round Handle (2Y) (4Y) (2Q)
                                                                                   HAND HELD SHOWERS / SPRAY
                                HHO40                 79.00    119.00
                                Lever Handle (2Y) (4Y) (2Q) (4U)
                                                                                    9HS25                 180.00   287.00
                                TEMPERATURE CONTROL                                 Hand Held Shower with
                                                                                    Deck Mount Swivel Elbow
                                9YPRBPL8A             158.00   271.00
                                Cover Plate (4Y) (4M)
                                9YTCSPL6A             191.00   303.00               9HS45                 299.00   431.00
                                Temperature Control Cover Plate                     3 Function Hand Held Shower
                                (4Q)                                                with Deck Mount Swivel Elbow
                                9YTCSPL9A             191.00   303.00
                                Temperature Control with
                                Two Way Diverter Cover Plate                        9YSHWKT1E             119.00   175.00
                                (2Q)                                                Kitchen Hand Spray
                                9YTCSPL1C             23.00     39.00
                                Temperature Control Sleeve
                                                                                    9XVLVCK3A                  20.00
                                9YSHWWM1Q             31.00     60.00               10 mm Double Check Valve
                                Temp. Control Stopper / Indicator
                                9YSHWWM1V             31.00     60.00               9XFH2                      48.00
                                Two Way Div. Stopper / Indicator (2X)               Retractable Hose (Nylon)
                                9YSHWWM1P             31.00     60.00
          9YSHWWM1V             Three Way Div. Stopper / Indicator (4X)

            9YSHWWM1P           9YSHWWM1N             31.00     60.00               9YHHSKR9A             159.00   239.00
                                Three Way Div. Stopper / Indicator (3X)             Pull Out Kitchen Spray (Mini)
                                                                                    Dual Function
              9YSHWWM1N       *9YDIVPL1A              44.00     87.00
                                3 Way Diverter Plate (Round)
                 9YDIVPL1A                                                          9YHHSKR8A             199.00   279.00
                                HHO50                 111.00   180.00               Pull Out Kitchen Spray (H2O)
                                Temperature Control Handle Complete                 Dual Function
                                9YHNDDWM1F            16.00     23.00
                                Temperature Control Handle Cap Only
                                                                                    9XVLVCK2A                  20.00
                              **9YTCSHA4B             16.00     23.00               Double Check Valve Assembly
                                Temperature Control Handle Cap Only
                                9XHNDWM1B                  4.00                     9XFLTKR05                  48.00
                                Stem Adaptor                                        Retractable Hose (8J)
                             * Prior to 2020
                             ** Prior to 2017                                                                      31
                            *** Prior to 2014
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