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Leadership Expert

                                  The Importance of

       Have you ever experienced doubt that prompted you to pull   salesperson promised? Am I confident in its reputation
       away from a deal, which looked right but felt wrong? Perhaps   and track record? What has been my past experience
       you had decided on a major purchase: done your research     with this or similar companies?
       and found a vendor who had what you needed at a price  5.  Do I trust the product or service’s ability to deliver?  Do I
       you thought was fair. It all looked good. The salesperson was   believe that what is being offered will do the job I need
       eager to close the deal, but something did not feel quite   and expect?
       right…so you went elsewhere to purchase the same product  6.  Do I trust my own ability to utilize the product or service
       or service.                                                 to its full potential?  Is it simple or complex to use? Will
                                                                   there  be adequate  customer  support  to enable  me to
       What happened? Often the issue is trust, or rather, a failure   use the product or service to its full capacity?
       of trust in the client/salesperson relationship. We prefer to
       buy from someone we know, like, and trust.               Sales  professionals  who  understand  the  complexity  of
                                                                trust know it is the simple element that engages clients as
       Trust is a simple value, usually learned in childhood, but in   partners in the sales process.  They know that in sales, “trust
       the sales relationship it is important and complex. As sales   is the one thing that changes everything.”
       professionals we must understand the varied aspects of trust
       in order to foster a relationship with our clients that enables    Adapted from: Wayne A. Vanwyck, Pure Selling, 2014
                                                                 Steven M.R Covey, The Speed of Trust, Free Press, 2006, p1
       us to provide them with the solutions they seek.
                                                                Murray’s knowledge of sales and leadership has been earned through
       From the client’s perspective, six interrelated dimensions of   a career that started as a small business entrepreneur wearing “all the
       trust are at play in most sales transactions:            hats”. He then transitioned into a professional sales and leadership career
                                                                in the insurance industry, where his passion for training and leadership
                                                                development was recognized in his appointment as a Senior Manager.
       1.  Do I trust the salesperson’s integrity? Do I perceive this            Since 2008, Murray has been a part-time faculty
          salesperson as honest and truthful? Do they put my                     member at Kitchener, Ontario’s Conestoga College,
          interests over their own interests?                                    School of Business. He currently teaches within the
       2.  Do I trust the salesperson’s credibility? Do I experience             “Leadership Development Series,” a program helping
                                                                                 managers and management candidates understand
          confidence in their knowledge, skills and experience with              and implement the principles of effective leadership.
          the product or service in question?                                    Murray Smith
       3.  Do I trust the salesperson’s knowledge and understanding              The Achievement Centre
          of my needs? Do I feel my unique needs have been                       P: 519.572.5977
          sufficiently investigated? Am I confident that the
          solutions offered align with my needs?
       4.  Do I trust the company’s ability to deliver what the

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