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New Members

      WBBICS (World Beyond Boundaries           two-way all-day GO Train service to  gic, provides value for public dollars,
      Inc.)                                     the Innovation Corridor, developing  optimizes existing assets, leverages
      Harry Handa                               ‘Union Station West’, and the return of  the private sector and technology, and
      366 Hespeler Rd. Suite 13B Cambridge ON   passenger rail to Northern Ontario.   takes into account the unique needs
      N1R 6J6
      (416) 577-5555                                                                of our province,” added Rocco Rossi,
      Regulated Canadian immigration consultant with   Ontario was also the first province in  President and CEO of the OCC. “Moving
      9 years of HR experience.                 Canada to implement a pilot regula-  forward, we will continue to consult                            tory framework to allow for the testing  our  members  on  the  province’s  vast
                                                of autonomous vehicles and driverless  and diverse transportation needs.”
                                                technology. The report calls attention
      World Financial Group (Trinity
      Solutions Group)                          to the readiness of the province for  The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce
      Sylvia Dixon                              the reality of autonomous vehicles in  and the OCC have been active on the
      700 Franklin Blvd Unit 103 Cambridge ON N1R 7Z1  the near future, recommending Ontar-  transportation file for years, and will
      (519) 239-0670                            io capitalize on its first-mover status  continue to provide thought leader-
      We educate individuals and families (including
      business owners) on the fundamentals of   in this space. The Cambridge Cham-  ship on other transportation modali-
      finance and how to take control of their finances.   ber of Commerce and the OCC urge all  ties as part of its ongoing advocacy on
      EDUCATION, PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION      levels of government to work together  the province’s transportation planning                       with industry to attract future invest-  and priorities.
                                                ments, innovation, and jobs, as well as
                                                ensure Ontario is the first province to  Read the report: Moving Forward:
                                                reap the benefits associated with this  Towards a  Strategic Approach  to
                                                technology.                         Ontario’s Transportation Needs (Part I).
                                                “50% of Ontario businesses view  Forward-Transportation-Report.pdf
                                                transportation  infrastructure  as  criti-
                                                cal to their competitiveness. The
                                                province needs a plan that is strate-

            National Brand. Regional Presence. Local People.

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       ®  The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.                   M05330 (0415)
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