Page 24 - April 2024 INSIGHT MAGAZINE.indd
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By outlining the steps from job posting to
oer, employers can maintain control and
consistency throughout the hiring journey.
Navigating the Leverage Technology
The use of technology can significantly
streamline the hiring process, from
applicant tracking systems (ATS) to video
hiring maze interviews. These tools help in organizing
qualifications, and conducting e cient
Thoroughly Assess Cultural Fit
A candidate might have an impressive
resume, but if they don't align with the
company culture, it can lead to a discordant
In the fast-paced world of business, the “Bring in one or two other people from team dynamic. Incorporate questions and
success of any organization hinges on the company into the process rather than assessments during interviews that delve
the quality of its workforce. letting the hiring manager do it all because into a candidate's values, work style, and
Hiring mistakes can be both expensive and somebody from another department may how well they would integrate into the
be instrumental helping you gain a dierent existing team.
detrimental to a company's growth and perspective of the candidate,” says Lisa,
stability, especially in this changing job adding incorporating some of type of skills Conduct Behavioral Interviews
market which is now seeing an influx of testing during that process, depending on Conducting behavioral interviews allows
potential candidates in certain fields. the level of the role, can also be helpful. “It employers to gain insights into how
“I really do feel that the market over the can give some insight of how a candidate candidates handled situations in their
previous roles. This approach provides
last year has sotened,” says Lisa Marino, thinks.”
a more realistic preview of a candidate's
Senior Recruitment Specialist with H2R She also says once a candidate has capabilities.
Business Solutions, noting there are always been hired, an employer should be
a handful of roles that are specialized diligent when it comes to monitoring the Check References Thoroughly
resulting in fewer available candidates. performance of that person during their Reach out to previous employers,
Her colleague Sue Benoit, Head of 90-day probationary period and watch colleagues, and supervisors to gain
Recruitment Services at H2R Business for potential ‘fl ags’. These can include a comprehensive understanding of
Solutions, agrees. absences, struggling to meet deadlines, the candidate's work ethic, reliability,
and interpersonal skills. A candidate's
“On the trades side there still is a labour or an overall disconnect with their new performance history can reveal valuable
shortage, especially since those types of workplace or colleagues. information that might not be apparent
roles are really hard to fill,” she says. “But “Hopefully, the recruiter is good enough to during interviews.
if you have an accounting or bookkeeping catch some of those fl ags in our pre-screen
role to fill there’s 100 plus applicants.” conversations,” says Sue. “How interested Utilize Probationary Periods
Implementing probationary periods for
As a result, finding the right person to fill are they in the organization? Have they new hires allows both the employer and
those types of positions means putting done any research? Employers really want the employee to assess the fit within the
systems in place that can help you avoid someone who is truly interested in what organization. This trial period provides an
potential pitfalls, such as taking too long they’re doing.” opportunity to evaluate job performance,
to decide on a potential hire which is a Tips for avoiding hiring mistakes integration into the team, and adherence
common mistake many employers make, to company values before making a long-
says Sue. Define Clear Job Requirements term commitment.
Before posting a job opening, employers
“If they’re taking too long in the decision or should thoroughly analyze and document Invest in Continuous Training for Hiring
interview process, they can lose that great the skills, qualifications, and experience Managers
candidate who might have been hard to necessary for the role. This not only If possible, equip hiring managers with
find in the first place,” she says. “Then it’s ensures that candidates are well-informed the skills necessary to conduct e ective
a matter of having to start over a lot of the but also assists in filtering applicants more interviews, assess candidates accurately,
time because employers are not going to eectively. and make informed decisions. Continuous
just settle, necessarily.” training on fair hiring practices, diversity,
Create a Comprehensive Recruitment
As well doing their due diligence regarding Strategy and inclusion can help mitigate biases
reference checking, her colleague suggests Develop a well-thought-out recruitment and enhance the overall quality of hiring
making a select group of others in the strategy that includes a timeline, sourcing decisions.
company part of the hiring process. channels, and a structured interview
24 Spring 2024