Page 11 - 2018SpringSpectrum
P. 11

Members in the News

      The Cowan Foundation $100,000 Grant
      Supports Children’s Mental Health Centre
      When a child or youth is struggling with complex mental
      health issues requiring intensive support, they can’t wait. A
      $100,000 grant from The Cowan Foundation enabled Luther-
      wood to reduce wait times and improve treatment and aca-
      demic outcomes by restructuring its mental health treatment
      and academic program delivery.

      Left to Right: John Colangeli (Lutherwood), Heather Fedy (Luther-
      wood), Donna Buchan (Lutherwood), Carol Parsons (Cowan), Terry
      Reidel (Cowan)

      Lutherwood offers intensive mental health treatment for 12-18  is flexible enough to accommodate fluctuations in demand.
      year old youth with complex mental health issues. As part of  The resulting model:
      their treatment plan, the youth attend school at Lutherwood’s
      Children’s Mental Health Centre, which is staffed by Luther-  •   shortens wait times and increases the capacity to help the
      wood counsellors and Waterloo Region District School Board   youth as desks are no longer dedicated to a specific day or
      teachers.                                                    residential treatment program
                                                               •   mixes residential and day treatment youth giving both
      Traditionally, the youth were organized into five program-spe-  groups more opportunity to practice social and emotional
      cific classrooms. However, this approach resulted in some pro-  skills in an environment that more closely parallels life in
      gram desks sitting empty while there were wait lists for others.   the community
      The clinical and teaching staff worked together to develop a  •   accommodates students enrolling and completing their
      model that allows the youth to attend the classroom that best   treatment plans outside of traditional (cont on pg 14)
      meets their literacy, learning and developmental abilities and

                                                                                                              Spring 2018
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