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10 Reasons

                    why a business needs to belong to the Chamber

           Chamber membership gives you                             Targeted and cost-effective

           instant credibility                                      promotional opportunities
           Displaying the Chamber logo at your place of business    Membership in the Chamber gives you access to many
           can lead to tangible business results; consumers are     targeted promotional vehicles, including advertising
           80% more likely to purchase goods or services from       in our newsletter, website and mail program directly
           a company that belongs to the local Chamber of           to the membership.  Plus, you can host or exhibit at a
           Commerce, according to the Shapiro Report.  This report   mixer or sponsor one at our many events. You’ll save
           also notes that consumers are more likely to believe     promotional dollars by reaching out directly to a very
           that  Chamber  Member  products  are  superior  to  their   targeted audience.

                                                                    Networking opportunities
           You can help shape local policy                          When you get involved in the Chamber, you’ll be given
           Your Chamber is the not-for-profit advocate for local    more opportunities to meet your peers in the community.
           business with a unified voice. We represent you at the   The Chamber organizes a year-round schedule of events
           municipal and provincial levels of government when       to  make  meeting  and  mixing  with  potential  partners,
           it comes to issues that impact business, and we also     clients and new friends a much more enjoyable task.
           benefit from membership in the Canadian and Ontario
           Chambers of Commerce which lobby at the national and
           provincial levels.                                       Information and education
                                                                    Every week, we’ll send you a Chamber News Update to
           We always refer our Members first                        keep you up-to-date on our events, Member news and
                                                                    programs of interest.  We will also create professional
           When  we  receive  inquiries  from  the  community  or   development events on relevant topics to help you and
           outside it, we refer Chamber Members first using         your  employees  become  more  effective.  This  website
           our online membership directory.  That translates to     and  our  social  channels  provide  a  stream  of updates
           additional leads for you and hopefully, more money in    throughout the year.
           your pocket.

                                                                    A collaborative relationship with
           You can save on services you that
                                                                    other like-minded organizations
           your employees use anyway                                Our staff  and Board members meet  regularly with
           Through our Chamber Perks Savings program, you           other business organizations concerned with building
           and your employees are entitled to take advantage        a prosperous community, such as Explore Waterloo
           of discounts and savings on services offered by other    Region, Waterloo Economic Development Corporation,
           local Chamber Members.  We also have a flexible group    City of Cambridge Economic Development, Communitech
           insurance plan, fuel discounts through Esso, shipping    and neighbouring Chambers. This allows us to identify
           discounts through Purolator and UPS.  See our benefits   opportunities and issues collaboratively to assist
           section for all the details.                             businesses.

           Hybrid programming to meet your                          A stronger sense of community
           needs                                                    What  you  get  from  your  Chamber  membership  will,
           The pandemic prompted many organizations and             to some extent, depend upon what you put into it. As
                                                                    you attend more events and get involved you develop
           businesses to re-evaluate. In keeping with these major   stronger relationships with other Members of the
           shifts, the Chamber offers a combination of programming   business community which can make a real difference
           – both in-person and virtual – to ensure the needs of its   to the prosperity of our community.
           Members can be met in a manner that serves them best.

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