Page 24 - Barashkova_E_A_-_Trenirovochnye_primery_po_angliyskomu_yazyku_Present_Continuous_Present_Progressive_-_2015
P. 24
i 22
~ ranMWMTe OTpM...,aTenbHble npeAJIO>KeHMJI. {§§ 1-3)
~ Present Continuous Present Simple
(read) he is not reading he does not read
{clean) they are not cleaning they do not clean
821. (s and) 826. (learn) 831. (dance)
(s t) 827. (do) 832. {look)
(liren> 828. (go) 833. (watch)
824. (seep) 829. (fly) 834. (make)
825. (talk) 830. (eat) 835. (ski)
CnpocMTe, n o "' e M y 3TO npoMCXOAMT.
(§§ 2-3, § 7)
836. The baby is crying. 837. Larisa is sleeping. 838. Boris is singing. 839. The boys are play-
ing. 840. He is doing his exercises. 841. Lena is using his computer. 842. Granny is cooking din-
ner. 843. They are talking. 844. Mr Black is working. 845. Tamara is making cakes. 846. We are
running. 847. I am standing. 848. It is swimming. 849. He is helping us. 850. She is teaching.
851. T~ey are smiling. 852. She is smiling. 853. The dog is sleeping. 854. The cat is playing.
855. T,ey are skipping. 856. Oleg is drawing. 857. The cat is drinking water. 858. The dog is eat-
ing bread. 859. They are speaking English. 860. She is riding a horse.
11 ~ epeBeAMTe ~pe11110>1<eHMJ1, BblAe~eHHble KYPCMBOM.
11 ~ resent Contmuous MnM Present Simple? (§§ 1-3)
~ 861. Thi MomeIIIh BKJno·trH:Tb TeJieBJrnop. JI ne cnJllo. 862. Tbt ne cJtywaewb! 863. Tbt ne xo'leUlb
~ c.ll.yUta"tb. 864. On ne pa6omaem. OH em;e Yl:.IMTC.R: B IIIKOJie. 865. Thr MomeIIIb o6cy.n;HTh sTo c HMM
~~ celil:.lac. On ne pa6omaem. 866 . .ff MHor.n;a eM Cbip, HO a ne e.M. Bem'luny. 867. BhIKJIIO'l'..IH KOMIIhIOTep.
~ JI ne pa6oma10. 868. TbI rrocMoTpM Ha Hero. On ne 2060pum. OH KpHl:.IHT. 869. OH MomeT l:.IHTaTb
~ KHHrH, HO on ue zoBopum no·anz.ll.uucx:u. 870. OJier rrpe,n;rroqHTaeT o6cym.n;aTb .n;eJia no TeJiecpoHy.
· · Ou ue nuUtem nucb.M.a. 871. Ceu'lac on ne nuUtem nucb.M.O, OH IIHIIIeT oTqeT. 872. Bee xopoIIIo.
M a.ll.btlll ne n.ll.a'lem. 873. B sTo BpeM.H cyToK COJlHUye ue ceemum. 874. Iloro,n;a mrnxa.H. CollHUye ne
CBemum~ 875. OH Bcer.n;a emu .n;oJiro. On ue Bcmaem B 6 'lacoB.
CnpocMTe, no"' e My 3TO npoMcXOAMT.
(§§ 2-3, § 7)
876. He is playing with the teacher. 886. Grandpa is sleeping.
877. We are speaking Russian. 887. John is washing the car.
878. I am staying at that hotel. 888. I am helping him.
879. I am watching TV. 889. It is watching them.
880. I am translating Text Seven. 890. Ann is drinking cold milk.
881. I am carrying it to the room. 891. Sally is eating ice cream.
882. He is boasting. 892. The sportsmen are going to the airport.
883. Weiare using that cassette. 893. The dog is watching her.
884. The baby is hiding. 894. He is having lunch in the cafe.
885. She: is standing at the door. 895. I am drawing the dog.