Page 8 - Barashkova_E_A_-_Trenirovochnye_primery_po_angliyskomu_yazyku_Present_Continuous_Present_Progressive_-_2015
P. 8

         ~ Hy>t<HO nM YABaMaaTb 6yKay a  ing-<1>opMe rnaronoe?

         ~!  B~aebTe e~e OAHY  6yKBY TaM,  rAe 3To  Heo6XOA"1M~. (§§ 1-2)
      ,"·•.                                                   281.  0Ha ce:a-qac cn:aT.
      I 271.  ~ ce:aqac "t!HTa10.
      ~l:z       am read_ing ·                                      She is sleep_ing.
      -""  272.   ce:B:-qac rro10.                            282.  OH ce:H-qac npblraeT.
       ~       ~am sing_ing.                                        He is hop_ing.
       ;~  273.  ~ ce:H'Iac pa6oTaIO.                         283.  Om1 celi-qac rrphlraIOT qepea cRaRaJIO"tlKy.
               ~am work_ing.                                        They are skip_ing.
          274.  jjl ce:H-qac CTOIO.                           284.  fl ce:H:qac rroMoraro eMy.
               I am stand_ing.                                      I am help_ing him.
          275 .  .» ce:iiqac nJiaaaio.                        285.  fl ce:iiqac rrphlra10.
               Itam swim_ing.                                       I am jump_ing.
          276.  ~ ce:B:qac y6:aparo ROMHaTy.                  286.  0HH ce:iiqac c:a.u;.a:T.
               1'am clean_ing the room.                             They are sit_ing.
          277 .  .H ce:iiqac 6eraio.                          287 .  .H ce:ii-qac cTaBJIIO aTo Ha rrapTy.
               I am run_ing.                                        I am put_ing it on the desk.
         278 .  .SI ce:H:'!ac Y'IY cJioea.                    288.  0Ha ce:H-qac CtIHTaeT.
               I am learn_ing words.                                She is count_ing.
         2 79.  ~ ce:ii'!ac oTRpbrnaro xopo6Ky.               289.  0Ha ce:B:qac ecTaeT.
               I fim open_ing a box.                                She is get_ing up.
         280.  ~:I ceii'Iac Ha'IHHaeM ypoR.                   290.  OH ceii'Iac nHmeT.
  _ ~ _ (;~~:~~:: ~~ ~:!~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ____ ~: ~s-~r~~ -=-~~g~ ____________________ .

         ~ *noTpefo1Te Present Continuous.  (§§ 1-2)

         291.  Mt l  H,ZJ;eM nemKOM
         292.  H fOMOralO

         293.  o:e! pHcyeT
         294.  TblCTOHIDb
         295.  B   CTOHTe

         297.  H  ,ZJ;y
         299.  TblH,ZJ;emb
               "±OK CIIllT

         301.  M  IHrpaeM

         304.  OH

         305.  Hr  TOBJIIO

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