Page 121 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 121
Do you wait for inspiration before writing? Some writers do. Most of the people who sign up for my writing classes are looking for a shortcut to igniting the inner flames of inspiration. Though I offer some tips, I’m basically against it.
Why? Think back to the last job you had (or even your current one). Did you go to work only when inspiration hit? I doubt it. You went to work because you had to, because you wouldn’t get paid if you didn’t go. It’s true for writing, too. Jack London advised writers to go after the muse with a club, not to sit around waiting for it to knock on your mental door. I wouldn’t be that violent about it, but I think old Jack was on the right track.
My experience has been this: Start writing and the muse will come to you. Somehow the princess of creativity gets a whiff of your work, follows the scent, and ends up on your shoulder.
But she appears only after you take the first step. Here are five suggestions to help you take the first step, and to keep going once you’ve started the process.
1. Just begin. Put your pen to the paper and move! Write any- thing. Anything! Minister Eric Butterworth used to say he