Page 152 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 152

Is editing important? Listen to Ernest Hemingway: “Most writers slough off the most important part of their trade—editing their stuff, honing it and honing it until it gets an edge like a bullfighter’s killing sword.”
Here’s the way I look at it: Editing and rewriting, the last stage in my Turbocharge Your Writing formula, is your opportunity to be sure you hit the target you were aiming for. In step one you said you wanted to create something specific. The next step (rewriting) is your chance to see if you did it.
This step is where you invite Mr. Editor, that voice of criti- cism in your head, back. Why? Because now you want all the help you can get. You want your writing to be as perfect as you can get it.
I’ve found most people don’t know how to edit their work. They write their drafts, check the spelling (sometimes) and punctuation (even less often), and send the work out. Sadly, these writers are sending out trash.
How do you edit your work? In this section I offer you some

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