Page 150 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 150
How to Persuade Readers to Your Side
One tip: Be sure the testimonials are specific. “I liked the book” isn’t as strong as “The chapter on negotiation helped me land a contract for $39,000!”
How do you get testimonials? Ask for them from people who have used your product. If they don’t want to write one, write it for them and have them sign it.
Another way to be sure to gain your readers’ trust is to offer a solid guarantee. Fact is, without a guarantee, few—if anyone—will order what you are selling or believe what you are saying.
Before you end your letter, remind your readers that they have a problem. Use that emotional appeal I mentioned earlier. Say, “If you’re tired of receiving rejection slips, order my book today and put an end to your frustration.”
Murray Raphel, co-author of The Great Brain Robbery and The Do-It-Yourself Mail-Order Handbook says fear is a great motivator. I don’t encourage you to frighten people into seeing things your way, but I do suggest you gently remind your readers that they have a problem and you have a solution.
Think about it. When you receive a letter—any letter—what do you read first? The P.S. We all do it. Studies show that the postscript is the most often read and first read part of any letter.
Your P.S. is your chance to state your strongest point, or to offer your guarantee, or to mention just how wonderful your product is. You might want to put your heaviest ammunition into your P.S. because it’s the section people will read first and last—and the one they’ll remember longest.
This means use short paragraphs, dialogue when appropriate, bul- lets, and wide margins (a staggered right margin aids readability, by the way).