Page 165 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 165

                                         HYPNOTIC WRITING
 I met Ramon because a friend had given him a copy of Be- yond Positive Thinking. Ramon buys every self-improvement tape album sold. He has all of Nightingale-Conant’s prod- ucts, plus more. He never plays the radio in his Rolls Royce. Instead, he listens to personal development programs on his 60-minute ride to and from his office—even though he is al- ready a successful multimillionaire.
Ramon told me, “Your Beyond Positive Thinking record- ings are the best ever produced by anyone. I should know, I own all of them!”
He was so impressed at how they could help other peo- ple, he would buy 25 sets at a time and put them into the trunk of his Rolls Royce. Anytime he met someone whom he felt needed help, he would give them a set free of charge. He frequently called me to tell me of the “miracu- lous” results they had had with the tapes and how it had changed their lives.
Over the years he has bought over 300 sets from me and to this day says that he has never found anything more pow- erful to change lives than Beyond Positive Thinking.
As you can see, that story silently communicates an almost hyp- notic message: Dr. Robert Anthony’s recordings work.
Had I just come out and said, “Dr. Robert Anthony’s methods work,” you could dismiss the thought. You might think I am just trying to sell you something. But when someone else proves the statement without actually saying it, through a captivating story, then the message goes right into people’s unconscious mind. You slipped in past their mental radar.
Of course, someplace on your web site you might declare: “Dr. Robert Anthony’s methods work.” That’s fine. Declarations can be hypnotic, too. That’s why hypnotists say “You are getting sleepier and sleepier” and not “Are you getting sleepy yet?”
Commands work. But what I am advising you to do here is to also create a story that conveys the same message. This way you are speaking to people’s conscious as well as subconscious minds.

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