Page 259 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 259
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Dr. Joe Vitale
Aude aliquid dignum*
President, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.
Creator of Author of way too many books to mention here. See or
*Sixteenth-century Latin: “Dare something worthy.”
Subject: Who’s the best copywriter around? (No, not me, but thanks.)
There are only a handful of copywriters around today whom I respect. One of them just came out with a home study course.
Even though I’m a full-time copywriter with dozens of books and even my own course out there, I signed up for this man’s new system.
So if you are interested in earning $150,000+ a year writing copy underneath a coconut tree, then keep reading.
When it comes to writing compelling marketing copy that grabs the prospect’s attention and propels them into buying, Randy Gage is the real deal. I love his style.
This man is a copywriting genius. He has made millions of dollars for himself and his clients writing copy from a sidewalk