Page 260 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
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                                         Hypnotic E-Mails
 cafe in Paris, under a palm tree in Hawaii, and from the com- forts of his own home.
And now he is willing to share his secrets and techniques so you, too, can become a world-class copywriter in his amaz- ing new resource.
Randy Gage’s One-Year Copywriting Home Study Course How to Write Killer Copy for Sensational Sales of any
Product or Service Even If You Flunked English.
You see, copy is the backbone of all great marketing cam- paigns. You can make a fortune writing sales letters, brochures, ads, and web sites for businesses.
There are simply millions of companies looking to hire great copywriters. Of course, you may not want to be looking to hire yourself out as a copywriter. You may want to use the skills you will learn in this resource for building your own business.
By the time you are done with this one-year course, you will be able to:
• Create money-producing web sites.
• Write a best-selling book.
• Create compelling sales letters, brochures, catalogs, and
other marketing materials.
• Design ads that pull in orders like crazy.
• Create a product catalog that brings in tens of thousands of
dollars a month.
When you have finished this home study course, you will be able to write powerful, gut-wrenching, killer copy that moves people to take action. Get all the details at
And remember, I signed up for this course, too.
Randy is the real deal, and I only want to learn from the best. You can, too.
Go for it.

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