Page 28 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
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                                          and understanding of hypnosis and the mind. He theorized that hypnosis is a state of mind that all of us are normally entering spontaneously and frequently. As you’ll soon see, this has enor- mous implications for your ability to influence people through your written words.
On the heels of Erickson’s work, hypnosis evolved into a well- respected practice, used by doctors, psychologists, business and law enforcement personnel, and even by people in sales and mar- keting. It’s also used for self help and self improvement. With the development of self-hypnosis, one doesn’t even need to rely on a therapist any longer.
Hypnosis is a tool, not a cure in and of itself. It is used for stress management, stress related disorders, dental and medical anxiety, and anesthesia, even in obstetrics. It is also used for pain manage- ment, as an adjunct to psychotherapy, and in the management of a wide range of phobic, anxiety, and other medical and psychologi- cal problems.
It’s being used by dentists, doctors, and therapists as well as stage hypnotists. It’s been sanctioned by the American Medical As- sociation since the 1950s. It’s been used to help people with a vari- ety of problems, from psychological to physical ones.
But none of the above is Hypnotic Writing.
You don’t want your readers to fall asleep and neither do I. By
“Hypnotic Writing” I mean writing that is irresistible. Writing that rivets your eyes to the page. Writing that is so clear and concise and effective that you can’t resist reading all of it. And more than that, Hypnotic Writing gets you to remember—and act—on what you’ve read. Hypnotic Writing is spellbinding, unforgettable, and filled with embedded commands.
That’s a lot better than putting your reader to sleep, isn’t it?
I believe you’ve come across Hypnotic Writing at one time or another. Think back to the last time you were totally focused on a letter or a book. Did you lose track of time? Did someone call you,
It’s Time
to Awaken

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