Page 4 - Mountain Transport - Uncoupling
P. 4

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

               Section 1           Risk Index      Section 2                    Section 3                       Section 4           Risk Index

      Description of the hazards and   Without   What/ Who is at risk  Arrangements required to adequately control   Person responsible for   With Control
                 risks              Control                                      the risk                    implementing and       Measures
                                                                                                           monitoring the controls
                                  S x P =  RI                                                                                      S x P =  RI

                                              Drivers            Trained drivers with a drivers CPC      The Driver, Group Head
                                              Employees          qualification. Trained on 3 points of   of Fleet, Fleet General
                                              Other Road Users   contact. Adequate access and egress     Manager,  and Transport
          Falls from Height
                                              Pedestrians                                                Managers to ensure the
              including                       Cyclist            steps in place with handle to ensure 3   rules are applied.
           Access & Egress                    VRU’s              points of contact. Catwalks and steps to
                                  4   5   H                      be kept clean and free from dirt and                              2    5    L
                                                                 grease. Employees to take extra care
                                                                 when accessing and egressing, look at the
                                                                 condition of the ground before stepping
                                                                 out of the vehicle. Gloves MUST always
                                                                 be worn during this procedure.

                                              Drivers            Connections with leads are to be        The Driver, Group Head
                                              Employees          untangled firstly prior to connection.   of Fleet, Fleet General
                                              Other Road Users   When connecting leads they are to be    Manager,  and Transport
                                              Pedestrians        completed working from the farthest     Managers to ensure the
                                              Cyclist            away lead, working towards the catwalk   rules are applied.
                                              VRU’s              exit steps. Disconnecting leads is be                                                                  RASSoW - 04Q
            Entrapment &                                         completed at the nearest lead working
            Entanglement          4   5   H                      towards the furthest away lead. High                              2    5    L                            Coupling up and
                                                                 visibility is always to be worn. Skip and                                                        uncoupling Operations
                                                                 RO-RO drivers are to ensure they do not
                                                                 uncouple or couple up on busy roads.
                                                                 Quiet side roads may be used as a last
                                                                 resort however traffic cones have to be                                                                           Review Dates:
                                                                 placed out around the area of operation.                                                    (V3) – 02-05-2024 / Next R/D 01-05-2025
                                                                                                                                                                          Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                             Approved by General Manager – Rick egg
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