Page 17 - RASSOW 12Q - Vehicle movements on off Site and the refuelling of company vehicles
P. 17

RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                              HSF18

                                                                         SIGNATURE SECTION
        Trainer (complete this section)
        I have delivered training using this Risk Assessment (RA) & Safe System of Work (SSOW) to the employee(s) listed below.

        Indicate how you delivered the training (tick appropriate box).                Indicate how you verified trainees are competent to carry out task.

        Explained RA by practical demonstration                              Checked trainee carry out task in line with RA.        

        Explained RA to trainees through discussion                        Checked trainee understood RA (Q&A)                      

        Other (specify)                              
        Employee – I am signing to confirm that I have received the above RASSOW and have answered the test questions correctly and where incorrect answers were given, they have been explained
        and I understand.

        EMPLOYEE NAME                                              Signed                                               Date

        Trainer – I am signing to confirm that I have trained the above Employee in the above RASSOW and can confirm that they have agreed that they have understood and completed the test
        questions, where questions were answered incorrectly I have re-trained and they fully understand.
        TRAINER NAME                                                Signed                                              Date

        TRANSLATOR NAME                                             Signed                                              Date

        MANAGER NAME                                                Signed                                              Date



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                                                      Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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