Page 11 - Mountain Transport - Driving fwd - reversing - slow man - turning
P. 11
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
PART 2 - Question and Answer Section
Risk Assessment – 105Q – Driving Forward - Reversing, Slow Manoeuvring and Turning
This record is to be kept on the driver's file.
To assess the understanding of this risk assessment and the safe system of work (RASSoW) the driver carrying out this assessment must answer the questions correctly to
show that they have understood what is required to carry out this task safety. Any questions answered incorrectly will be explained in more detail by the person rolling
out this training. This is not a test. It's an assessment. Read the question and place A, B, C or D in the white box.
Please answer the correct question with an A, B, C or D within the white box.
Question 1 – Vehicle Movements. Drivers are reminded that they: Question 5 – Turnings and the change of direction. Prior to the change of direction all
drivers MUST identify their:
A. Truck has enough fuel to get them through the turn.
A. Must not speed when driving a company vehicle.
B. Can only speed to make up time. B. Driver checks have been completed on the vehicle.
C. Going in the right direction.
C. May speed if they are late getting into work.
D. Can only speed in a 30 MPH area. D. Point of Turn before turning.
Question 2 – Driving Forward. When driving forward all drivers will: Question 6 – Reversing a company vehicle. When reversing all driver must display:
A. Wear a seatbelt in a company vehicle. A. Top beacons.
B. Hazard warning lights
B. Break the speed limit.
C. Hazard warning lights and top beacons if fitted.
C. Do not have to wear a seat belt.
D. Flashing headlights.
D. Use the fast lane (Lane 3) of a motorway if time is short.
Question 3 – Driving Forward. All drivers must comply to the rules and regulations of Question 7 – Reversing a company vehicle. When reversing a truck, if the driver
the Official: becomes unsure of his awareness behind, then the driver MUST:
A. Operators newsletter. A. Stop the vehicle. Get out and look behind. RA-105Q
B. Highway code and company driving standards policy. B. Keep going.
C. Daily transport road awareness directive. C. Guess and hope for the best. Driving Forward - Reversing,
D. Shift and line managers newsletters. D. Park the vehicle up safely. Slow Manoeuvring and
Question 4 – In the video. What was the main cause of the incident? Question 8 – Parking. When parking the vehicle for a rest/break the driver must ensure Turning
A. Poor observation. A. The driver parks anywhere he/she wants for a rest break.
B. The vehicle is parked legally.
B. Distraction.
C. Fatigue. C. The keys are removed and placed into the key holder.
D. The sensors are all working correctly.
D. Driving too fast.
Review Dates:
(V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg