Page 34 - RA-23Q - Risk-Assessments-Mountain-Drivers
P. 34

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment (Mountain Transport)

             Section 1           Risk Index    Section 2                        Section 3                            Section 4         Risk Index
      Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who is     Arrangements required to adequately control the risk  Person responsible for   With Control
             and risks            Control       at risk                                                          implementing and      Measures
                                                                                                                   monitoring the
                                S x P =  RI                                                                           controls        S x P =  RI
                                                                                                               The Driver.
                                                           All drivers must comply to the operational security policy, the   Fleet General Manager.
    Operational Security:                                  drivers Handbook and the risk assessment. Information to be   Transport Managers &
                                                           regularly put out to drivers in newsletters, toolbox talks and
                               4    4   H                                                                      Planners.             4    3    M
    Safety and Security                                    explanations in the drivers CPC course. You are within your
    of vehicle Keys                                        right to stop anyone in the yard and politely ask their
                                                                                                               The Driver.

    Operational Security:                                  All drivers must comply to the operational security policy, the   Fleet General Manager.
                                                                                                               Transport Managers &
                               4    4   H   ▪ Drivers      drivers Handbook and the risk. Assessment Information to be               4    3    M
    Safety measures when                                   regularly put out to drivers in newsletters, toolbox talks and   Planners.
                                            ▪ Other Road
    stopping for breaks and rest                           explanations in the drivers CPC course.
                                            ▪ Pedestrians
                                            ▪ Cyclist                                                           The Driver.
                                            ▪ VRU’s
    Operational Security:                                  All drivers must comply to the operational security policy, the   Fleet General
                                            ▪ The Garage   drivers Handbook and the risk assessment. Assessment   Manager.
    Leaving a vehicle engine   4    4   H      Staff       Information to be regularly put out to drivers in newsletters,   Transport Managers &   4  3  M
    running for operational                 ▪ Office Staff  toolbox talks and explanations in the drivers CPC course.  Planners.

                                                                                                                The Driver.
                                                                                                                Fleet General                                                          HSF18
    Operational Security:                                  All drivers must comply to the operational security policy, the   Manager.
                                                           drivers Handbook and the risk assessment. Assessment                                                                RASSoW23Q
    Prevention of hijack attempts                                                                               Transport Managers &
                               4    4   H                  Information to be regularly put out to drivers in newsletters,            4    3    M
    through unauthorised                                                                                        Planners.                                                 Walking Floor Operations
                                                           toolbox talks and explanations in the drivers CPC course.
    passengers and hoax
    enforcement officers.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V1) – 02-09-2023 / Next R/D 01-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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