Page 6 - RA-23Q - Risk-Assessments-Mountain-Drivers
P. 6

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment (Mountain Transport)

             Section 1           Risk Index    Section 2                         Section 3                            Section 4         Risk Index

      Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who is     Arrangements required to adequately control the risk  Person responsible for   With Control
             and risks            Control        at risk                                                          implementing and      Measures
                                                                                                                   monitoring the
                                S x P =  RI                                                                           controls        S x P =  RI

      DEVICES TWO WAY RADIO                                Radio’s must be pre-tuned to radio stations. Drivers are not
                                                Drivers    allowed to tune a radio to a station whilst the vehicle is in   The Driver.
                                               Other road   motion. All drivers must comply to the driving standards   Fleet General Manager.
                                4   4    H       users.    policy that is in place by the company explaining the company   Transport Managers &   4  3  M
                                              Pedestrians  procedure on in cab technology. Driver training is conducted   Planners.
                                                 VRU’s     with every driver on an annual basis and in cab technology is
                                                           discussed with the driver.
        IN CAB MICROWAVES                       Drivers
                                                           All drivers must comply to the driving standards policy that is
                                               Other road
                                                           in place by the company explaining the company procedure   The Driver.
                                4   4    H                 on in cab technology. Microwaves are not to be used whilst   Fleet General Manager.  4  3  M
                                              Pedestrians  on the move. Vehicles must be stopped and parked up in a
                                                 VRU’s                                                          Transport Managers &
                                                           legal parking place.                                 Planners.
                                                Drivers    All drivers must comply to the driving standards policy that is   The Driver.
                                               Other road   in place by the company explaining the company procedure   Fleet General Manager.
                                4   4    H       users.    on in cab technology. Fridges and Freezers are not to be   Transport Managers &   4  3  M
                                              Pedestrians  used (Opened or closed) whilst on the move. Vehicles must   Planners.
                                                 VRU’s     be stopped and parked up in a legal parking place.
     RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICE                                                                                                                                                RASSoW23Q
         STAFF TO DRIVERS                       Drivers    The responsibilities of office staff making and receiving calls   The Driver.
                                               Other road   to drivers is important. All office staff must monitor the   Fleet General Manager.                           Walking Floor Operations
                                4   4    H       users.    tracking facility and identify that drivers had stopped driving   Transport Managers &   4  3  M
                                              Pedestrians  prior to making a call. DO NOT CALL A DRIVER IF THE   Planners.
                                                 VRU’s     DRIVER’s VEHICLE IS IN MOTION.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V1) – 02-09-2023 / Next R/D 01-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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