Page 5 - Mountain Transport - Vehicle Routing
P. 5
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards and Without What/ Who is Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for With Control
risks Control at risk control the risk implementing and monitoring Measures
the controls
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Schools Hospitals Cycle Drivers Drivers should avoid the start times and The Driver, Fleet General
routes / VRU Other Road end times of schools coming in and Manager, Group Head of
Users coming out. Find alternative routes Fleet and Transport Manager
around schools if possible. If not then,
Pedestrians to ensure the rules are
consider leaving base earlier or later than
Cyclist applied.
normally planned to avoid the children’s
start and end school times. When drivers are on site they
must also comply to the rules
AWARENESS about hospitals is of that site. Site Managers
important. Always plan for emergency are to also control and report
vehicles entering or exiting hospital
4 5 H locations. Blue lights. Read the driving incidents, near misses. 4 2 M
standards section on blue lights and
emergency services.
AWARENESS and good observations
when crossing over cycle lanes is Drivers Handbook:
important. Early planning of the drive click here
should always take a priority prior to
crossing cycle lanes.
Vehicle Routing
Drivers & Vehicles.
Review Dates:
(V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg