Page 26 - RASSoW09Q - Skip Lorry Operations
P. 26

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

     Climbing onto Skip Vehicles.

     ALWAYS use three points of contact whilst climbing

     onto the back of a skip vehicle.

     Never Climb onto a skip vehicle if it's loaded with a skip.

     Never Climb up the side walls of a vehicle.

     Never Stand on the side under run protection bars.

     Never jump down from a vehicle.
     Never use a standalone ladder against the side of a vehicle.

     Always wear your PPE when operating a skip vehicle.

     Always use the manufactures handrails and steps if you need
     to climb onto the back of an empty skip vehicle.

     Always Monitor the vehicle for any sharp edges when climbing.

                  Always be aware of moving                                                                                                                                    RASSoW09Q

                plant or other vehicles around                                                                                                                               Skip Lorry Operations

                 your vehicle when operating
                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V5) – 06-09-2023 / Next R/D 05-09-2024
                     outside the driver's cab!                                                                                                             Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                         Approved by General Manager – Fred Flatters
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