Page 4 - RASSoW09Q - Skip Lorry Operations
P. 4

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

            Section 1           Risk Index  Section 2                Section 3                          Section 4              Risk Index

     Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who    Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
            and risks            Control     is at risk           control the risk              and monitoring the controls    Measures

                               S x P =  RI                                                                                     S x P =  RI

                                                       General awareness of underfoot
        Slips, Trips and Falls                         conditions. Driver to check and monitor   The Driver, Fleet General Manager and
                                                       their surroundings areas. Ensure safety   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                           Other Road   footwear is in good condition and relevant   trained drivers operate skip vehicles
                               3   3   M   Users       to the work taking place. Pedestrian   and skip trailers.              3    1   L
                                           Pedestrians  walkways are inspected daily by H&S. Spill
                                           Cyclist     kits to be in high-risk areas. Walkways to   When collecting/delivering/loading or
                                           VRU’s       be cleaned as part of the daily workshop   unloading skips, please be mindful of
                                                                                            uneven ground.
                                                       cleaning routine.

        (Personal Protective                           5 pieces of PPE to be always worn by all.   The Driver, Fleet General Manager and
         Equipment) PPE                                This includes:                       Transport Manager to ensure only
                               3   4   H   Other Road   1. High viability vest or jacket    trained drivers operate skip vehicles   3  1  L
                                           Users       2. Safety boots                      and skip trailers.
                                           Pedestrians  3. Hard Hat
                                           Cyclist     4. Gloves                            Managers to ensure that the Beauparc
                                           VRU’s       5. Glasses.                          PPE signs are displayed in and around
                                                                                            the workplace areas of all employees.
                                                       Signs are also shown in specific areas on
                                                       sites explaining what additional PPE is to
                                                       also be worn by all individuals.
                                                       PLEASE WEAR PPE IN THE TRANSPORT
                                                       Drivers have a responsibility to themselves
     First Aid / Cuts & Abrasions                                                           The Driver, Fleet General Manager and
                                           Drivers     and others, and all injuries are to be   Transport Manager to ensure only                                               RASSoW09Q
                                                       reported to the transport office and or the
                               3   4   H   Other Road   responsible person on the site.     trained drivers operate skip vehicles   3  1  L                                  Skip Lorry Operations
                                           Users                                            and skip trailers.
                                                       An incident should also be reported via   REPORT ALL CUTS & ABRASIONS to
                                                       your Assure app portal.              your Manager.                                                                          Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V5) – 06-09-2023 / Next R/D 05-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                         Approved by General Manager – Fred Flatters
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