Page 3 - RASSoW-15Q Walking Floor
P. 3

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

            Section 1           Risk Index  Section 2                Section 3                          Section 4              Risk Index

     Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who    Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
            and risks            Control     is at risk           control the risk              and monitoring the controls    Measures

                               S x P =  RI                                                                                     S x P =  RI

      Struck by Moving Object                          Driver to stand clear of the doors when   The Driver, General Manager and
       (Rear Doors on Trailer)                         opening. Back (Barn) doors to be secured   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                       open to prevent any unforeseen       trained drivers operate the articulated
                               5   3  15               movement with the locking handles held   vehicles with a walking floor. The   5  1  5
                                                       in a 12 o’clock position. This procedure will  supervisor and Manager on site where
                                                       be covered in Driver training with   the trailer is being loaded.
                                                       company trainer. Driver to read the trailer
     Crushing/ trapping, impact                        Manufacturer’s instructions. Trained and
        from falling objects.                          competent staff. Drivers to read and sign
                                                       the safe system of work listed below.

      Struck by Moving Object                          Driver to ensure that they stand in a   The Driver, General Manager and
         (Rejected Waste)                              position to protect themselves from any   Transport Manager to ensure only
                               5   3  15               falling object when exiting the cab. The   trained drivers operate the articulated   5  1  5
                                                       drivers are also to remain in the cab   vehicles with a walking floor. The
                                                       during the loading process.          supervisor and Manager on site where
                                                                                            the trailer is being loaded.

                                                       Manual handling training is advised.
      Manual Handling Injuries                         Drivers to take care if they need to   The Driver, General Manager and
     (Including Torque Wrench)                         conduct any manual handling and ask for   Transport Manager to ensure only                                                      HSF18
                               3   3  09               help where required. Manual Handling   trained drivers operate the articulated   3  1  3
                                           Passengers                                                                                                                          RASSoW15Q
                                                       Operation Regulations 1992 are being   vehicles with a walking floor. The
                                                       followed. Weight must be checked before   supervisor and Manager on site where                                     Walking Floor Operations
                                                       attempting to lift.                  the trailer is being loaded.

                                                       Use two-person lifts if required and where
                                                       applicable. Use a mechanical aid to lift.                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V5) – 02-08-2023 / Next R/D 01-08-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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