P. 19
I know I must get into the Father’s Word and let His Word melt deep within my heart. Joyselyn was such an
excellent example of the Father’s Love. I have never witnessed a Stronger Warrior for the Love and Will of the
Father. My Joyselyn, in every way, was the perfect wife. A wealthy man I am for having her to love and to hold.
I have no clue what the Father’s plan will be for me in this short stay I have left on earth, nor do I know what it will
be like in Heaven. Will I see or share any part of eternal life with my once-known wife, my Joyselyn? I pray that it
will be so in my heart and mind. Joyselyn has talked so much about Our Father’s Heavenly Home that it seems fitting
that she takes me on tour there. Oh, how I would love to be rejoined with that loving spirit; I have been blessed with
these many short thirty-five years.
“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any
obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the
conversation of the wives;”
1 PETER 3:1
Aug. 8, 2020