Page 97 - MY BOY CHAZ
P. 97
My Joyselyn constantly took notes with a pad and favored pen in
hand. Continually wearing the pen. It became part of her daily attire. Bible
open, she could not get enough. She was always seeking God's wisdom for our
lives. Never have I seen such happiness, such joy. Sometimes I would eavesdrop
when she was speaking with the Father. Such beautiful words were spoken. The
love she had for our Lord was endless and new every day.
I so do regret not following her lead. I used her strength as a spiritual
crutch. How stupid could I be? How I wish she could be at my side
today. Witness how God has torn down the walls of my heart, how He's
answering the many prayers she spoke over me.
The pink sticky note was the last to appear on my monitor. It reads: "Seek
Adoni while He may be found, Pray for His plan, purpose, and will for
you." This I received Thursday the 16th, two days before her meeting the
Lord. Every day, a message of love was posted for my heart to take in and
always see before that first cup of coffee. Oh, how I miss this Sweet little
Girl of mine and those little Love Post-it notes. They will remain stuck to
this heart's monitor and this memory forever.