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A few people have messaged me about my many posts, asking about my life and times with my beloved Joyselyn. They
seemed to have the same theme, wondering if we had such a love life and asking about the faults that never show up
in my words. I have often placed myself as the source of all our problems.
It would be a challenge to place any faults on my Joyselyn. The only ones that come to mind are picking up used
Kleenex cough drop wrappers, trashing them, and as mentioned earlier, locating her miss placed Chapstick.
But my best answer, we both, Joyselyn and I, looked way past our faults. We made it a point to do so. We all have sin,
bad habits, and harmful behaviors. Way too many times, we focus on them and lose sight of that person we fell in love
with. If my Joyselyn had not first put her trust in the Lord and looked past all my faults and failures, we would have
never remained together. She put her love and confidence in our Heavenly Father to see us through this life together.
She prayed daily for wisdom and strength, and He never failed to keep us loving and safe in that commitment.
I was always the weak link in our marriage. My Joyselyn was the one consistently strong in her faith. Always a lover of
this weak vessel in her life. An impotent man I have continually proven myself to be. The only thing I am most sure of is
this love that was planted in my heart for this Heaven-sent woman named Joyselyn. She is the loveliest of all people
that have ever entered my life.
I created some tough times in our lives. I caused so much disappointment, pain, and shame. I always wanted for
myself, looking to attend to my needs first and foremost. I pray that Yahuwah forgives me, and I pray that Joyselyn is
richly rewarded for all that I have suffered her in this life.
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