P. 122

December, Oh, how time goes by. Almost a full year of emptiness of heart. Loneliness is never to be imagined. No more

                   will to step up or step out in life. Life as I have known it is no longer on this earth. I have so much to be thankful for, so

                   blessed my life has been. Knowing this creates no comfort when you lose your Soulmate, my Joyselyn. She was my life,
                   the light inside my heart, the song that played in my head—a day-to-day expression of love. God knew what I needed

                   in this life, and He loaned me this wonderful woman named Joyselyn. So hard to rise from sleep and realize she is no
                   longer at my side. No more “God Bless You Mornings” and words “I Love You,” but I find myself speaking them just the

                   same. Always a little prayer that somehow that wake-up greeting gets shared with her.

                   Dec. 2, 2020

                   I will always live to honor this love of my life, my Joyselyn. She will be the best of me until my life is no more. I know she

                   would put up a fight over the confessions that I continue to share in this journal with friends and or strangers. My
                   Joyselyn would never let me see myself in this dim light that I share. Her voice was always a celebration of joy. She was

                   celebrating that I belonged to her and was her husband to have and hold. She was always giving thanks to the Father for
                   sharing me with her. Now it is up to me to be at my best, to see and live in that bright light that my Joyselyn

                   surrounded me with. That I will prayerfully endeavor to do, live in that light.

                   Dec. 5, 2020

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