P. 165

I believe today I had uncovered the mystery behind my Joyselyn’s shout out of “Operation Happy Dance” when informed

                   that she was being released from the hospital. I found the following amongst the many handwritten notes that my
                   Joyselyn kept. I think it fits her narrative. Date placed on this writing was August 2019.

                   Nov. 11, 2020                                                        DESERT SONG

                                                     Though horizons seem barren and bleak, my hands will lift to the One my soul seeks. For I
                                                   know my salvation will come, cups will overflow, and the rivers will run, so I will Dance!  I will
                                                                                 Dance! As I wait upon The Lord,

                                                            I will Dance on this dusty desert sand. I will Dance as I wait upon The Lord.

                                                                   I will Dance for He is my sure deliverer, and He hears my cry!

                                                    Streams of Refreshing will flow from the rock, a pathway to walk through the sea. He is my
                                                              Lord, and I a lamb of His flock. With these eyes, His deliverance I’ll see!

                                                   So, I will Dance as I wait upon The Lord, I will Dance on this dusty desert sand I will Dance as I
                                                     wait upon The Lord for, He is my sure deliverer, and He has heard my cry, so I will Dance!

                    So, now I have been given another Honey-Do-Assignment and                        Even in death, She lives. This of course is a hope, and it will take
                    another chance at doing something in Love. Honoring the                          lots of prayers that I might accomplish this one lasting attempt to
                    special gift from above, who now lives above. My Joyselyn, my                    keep this Lovely Ladies' legacy alive. A hard-back addition of this
                    Love, my Wife, my Second Element. She kept my life raft a float                  magnitude seems over the top, but I just had to put it out there
                    for 30+ years, and I know she was preparing me to paddle it                      for the viewer. This is how my heart wants to present my Joyselyn.

                    alone. She knew that I would fall out of the raft, and as in the                 How ever and what ever God leads and provides, I will be
                    beginning, she is rescuing me once again, with Operation Happy                   grateful, and willing. A must before my going home.
                    Dance.                                                                                                                                                         165
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