P. 53
What fears I have & What fears ME the most
I have never been fearful of spiders or snakes, but I am afraid of heights. That is right; a skydiver afraid of
heights. I am not the only one that skydives that are fearful of being on something like a ladder, rooftop,
and all things alike. When watching a movie with someone hanging off or over the ledge of a skyscraper,
my testicles hide for a day or two.
Without a doubt, losing my wife, my Joyselyn. I would have no hope, no life without her. I fear dying and
leaving her without resources for a completely comfortable life.
My most profound regret of all time would be leaving her alone defending for herself. I can only pray that
if that happened, she would be taken care of and find happiness and peace.
I remember reading a story about a married couple who lived together for 75 years. The wife was in the
hospital, and her husband lay in her bed beside her. He was holding her lovingly in his arms. When his
wife drew her last breath, he followed her to their new home.
This, together departure my Joyselyn and I pray to follow. We never want to be apart, alone, or out of
Nov. 2, 2019, JS