P. 91

Looking back on times gone by, I try to remember those things that were lost or missing. Some I seemed to treasure, but
                   today I cannot even think of a single item—nothing of any value or consequence. I put much stock in things and the space

                   to place them. Some are useful, and others not so much. Thinking they would reflect who I am and my character. Now as
                   memory serves me, It has all been trash. A trash life till my Joyselyn came in and showed me a rich way to live. Love for

                   someone rather than something. No words this side of heaven to describe what I have come to know because of this dear
                   woman in my life. Joyselyn was a gift from God to lead me away from this world. I have no doubt she will be there to lead
                   into the next. We had prayed the journey would be together. I now know why I am here alone.

                   I know how I missed my gift, my Joyselyn, as a

                   crutch to limp my way there. I put so much on
                   her and did not act responsibly for that on my
                   own. Joyselyn’s heart and mind were always

                   held in the heart and mind of the Father. She
                   lived her life for Adonai. She is not lost; I know

                   where she is, and I take comfort that there is no
                   more pain.
                   Miss Her, and I do…so much. She is the One that

                   has filled that space, she is the builder of my
                   character, and I pray I will always reflect her love

                   in my remaining life. She will always be held in
                   my heart as well as that of our Father.                                                                 I’ll be there my Love.

                   26, 2020
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