Page 16 - A Confident Trust in Jesus
P. 16
Check this circle and write the name of the person that you
would like to see follow Jesus. ________________________
If so, you’ve got something
they need to know. That’s the The Peace Path
heart of sharing good news: a “Always be prepared to
desire for others to enjoy the give an answer to everyone
peace you enjoy, a life who asks you to give the
available only through Jesus. reason for the hope that
you have. But do this with
If that’s your heart for gentleness and respect...”
someone in your life—a friend, (1 Peter 3:15)
family member, colleague—
tell your discipler who that is Look: For an
now. opportunity
Ask: Would you like to
know how I found
And if you can’t think of peace?
someone in your life who Tell: I would like to
needs peace, someone you’d share a story about how
like to see follow Jesus, pray I found peace in Jesus.
now for God to bring
someone into your life.
Someone that you’d like to tell about the “parable of the
insane banker.
If someone’s ready to follow Jesus ask three final questions.
Do you want to find peace in Jesus?
Are you willing to follow Jesus and do what he asks?
Would you repeat this prayer with me?
Dear God, I confess that Jesus is my Savior and
Lord and that only through faith in him can I be
saved. I will now follow Jesus and by your grace,
to live with Jesus as my Lord. Lord Jesus, come
into my life. Walk with me and give me peace.
In Jesus’ name,