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                                               ACCRA INDEX
       Nature & Wildlife Parks ..................586  Pet Food Mfrs&Whsl........................624  Professional Studies   Roofing Materials
       Newspapers & Magazines ................586  See also: Animal feed, Pet supplies  See: Education - professional studies  See: Building - roofing material
       See also: Media houses  Pet Importers & Exporters ..............624  Project Management Services ..........660  Roofing Services ..............................708
       Night Clubs ......................................588  See also: Pet services  See also: Consultants - building  Rubber Products Mfrs& Suppliers ..710
       Non Governmental Organizations....589  Pet Services ......................................624  Consultants - computer  See also: Mattress & foam mfrs&
       See: Associations       See also: Veterinary doctors   Consultants - management & business  suppliers
       Charitable & voluntary organizations  Pet Shops ..........................................624  Facilities management  Rubber Products Whsl& Retail........710
       Development organizations  See also: Animal feed  Promotional Items & Incentives ......662  Rubber Stamps ................................710
       Nursery Schools         Pet Suppliers ....................................624  See also: Balloons - party & promotional
       See: Education – nursery schools  See also: Dog Breeders  Corporate entertainment - Corporate gifts   S
       Nurses’& Care Agencies ..................596  Pet Food Mfrs&Whsl  Gift Hampers
                               Petrol Pump Installation & Services626  Gift services – delivered  Safe & Vault Eqpt ............................710
                  O            Petrol. Extraction Systems &Eqpt ..626  Greeting card shops  See: Security eqpt- systems
                               Petroleum Products ..........................626  Party goods, T-shirt printers   Safety eqpt
       Office Eqpt ......................................598  See also: Gas suppliers  Property Development......................664  Safety Eqpt ......................................710
       See also: Computer accessories &  Pharmaceuticals - Herbal   See: Real estate developers  See also: car alarm
       peripherals, Photocopiers  See: Herbal medicine  Property Management......................668  Fire alarms
       Telecommunication eqpt  Pharmaceuticals Mfrs& Supplies ....626  See also: Real estate agents  Fire extinguishing eqpt
       Office Eqpt Leasing..........................600  See also: Herbal medicine  Property Overseas ............................670  Security eqpt- systems
       See also: Leasing       Veterinary products     Psychotherapy & Analysis................670  Sales Promotion Consultants  ..........712
       Office Eqpt Servicing ......................600  Pharmacies........................................630  Public Address System  See:Consultants - sales promotion
       Office Furniture ..............................600  Pharmacies - Animals ......................634  See: Audio-visual services  Salt Mfrs&Whsl................................712
       See also: Furniture mfrs&whsl  Photocopiers ....................................634  Sound eqpt Installation  Salt Mfrs&Whsl (Iodated)................712
       Furniture retailers     Photographers ..................................634  Public Relations & Publicity  Sand & Gravel Suppliers..................712
       Offices - Rental ................................602  Photographic Eqpt............................638  Consultants  See also: Building materials
       Offices - Serviced..............................602  Photographic Goods Retailers..........640  See: Consultants - public relations &  Sand Blasting....................................712
       Office Stationery       Photographic Processing & Printing640  Publicity  Sandwich Shops & Delivery ............712
       See: Bookshops , Stationery  Physiotherapists................................640  Publishers & Publications ................670  Sanitary Hygiene Services
       Stationery Mfrs&whsl    Picture Framers & Frame Makers ..640  Pulp & Paper Mfrs&Whsl................674  See: Hygiene & cleansing services
       Oil & Gas Extraction Companies ....602  Pilot Training Schools ......................640  Pump Supplies ..................................674  Waste disposal services
       Oil Field Services..............................602  Pineapple ..........................................640  See also: Water pumps  Sanitary & Plumbing Products ........712
       Oil Fuel Distributors & Suppliers....604  See also: Agricultural products general  See also : Building - bathroom eqpt
       See also: Petroleum Products  Fruits & vegetable growers  Q             Sanitation Eqpt ................................714
       Oil-Lubricant Mfrs& Suppliers ......604  Fruits & vegetable whsl        Satellite ............................................714
       Online Marketing  ............................606  Pizza Delivery &Takeway Foods ......640  Quantity Surveyors ..........................676  See also: Telecommunication eqpt
       Optical Goods ..................................608  See also: Restaurants    Quarries  ..........................................676  Telecommunication services
       Opticians ..........................................610  Places of Worship  R  Satellite TV &Eqpt ..........................714
       Orphanages ......................................612  See: Churches - Religious organization  See: Internet services
       See also: Non-gov. organizations  Plant & Machinery Dealers..............642  Radio Broadcasting ..........................676  Telecommunication eqpt
       Outboard Motors..............................612  Plant & Machinery Hire ..................642  See also: Media houses  Telecommunication services
       Out of School Care      Plantain                Radio Communication Eqpt ............676  Scaffolding........................................716
       See: Education - out of school care  See: Agricultural products general  Rail ..................................................678  Scales &Weighing/Measuring Eqpt..716
       Outdoor Pursuits ..............................612  Plastering &Screeding......................642  See: Government offices &institutions  Schools & Colleges
       Outdoors Waste Management ..........612  Plastic Products Mfrs&Whsl............642  Transport services  See: Clothing mfr-schools
       Oxygen..............................................612  Plastic Recycling ..............................644  Razorwire ........................................678  Further education
                               Play Schools......................................644  Real Estate Agents............................678  Primary education
                  P            See also: Out of school care, Nursery  See also: Apartments   Secondaryeducation
                               schools                 Land agents, Letting agents  University education
       Packaging..........................................612  Playcentres........................................644  Property management  Training services
       Packaging Products Mfrs&Whsl......614  See also: Children’s activity centres  Surveyors &valuers  Scientific Eqpt ..................................716
       Packing ............................................614  Toy shops  Real Estate Developers ....................684  Scrap Metal Merchants ....................716
       Paging ..............................................614  Playgroup Eqpt  See also: Property development  Screen Printers ................................716
       See also: Telecommunication services  See: Bouncy castles & inflatables   Record, CD & Tape Retailers ..........690  Secondary Education
       Paint Mfrs&Whsl ............................614  Children’s party services  Records & Archives Management ....690  See: Education - secondary
       Painting Contractors ........................616  Sports eqptmfrs&whsl  Recruitment   Secretarial Services ..........................716
       Painting Materials............................616  Sports goods shops, Toy shops  See: Careers advice  See also: consultants - personnel
       Paper Products Mfrs&Whsl ............618  Playgroups ........................................644  Consultants - personnel  Further education, Employment agencies
       Parcel delivery         Plumbers ..........................................644  Employment agencies & consultants  Executive recruitment
       See: Courier services   See also: Building -maintenance &  Executive recruitment  Training services
       Delivery & Collection Services, Post  repairs   Recycling ..........................................690  Security Dogs....................................718
       offices                 Plumbers’ Merchants........................646  Refrig. &Aircondition Engineers ....690  See also: Pet importers & exporters
       Parks & Gardens..............................618  Plumbing Materials  ........................646  Refrigeration Eqpt ..........................692  Security Eqpt-Systems......................718
       Party Goods......................................618  See: Buiding-Bathroom eqpt  Religious Education  See also: Alarm systems
       See also: Balloons - party & promotional   Sanitary & plumbing products  See: Education - Religious  Burglar alarms & security systems
       Corporate entertainment  Police ................................................646  Refurbishment – Com. Premises ......692  Car alarm , Fire alarms
       Children party services  Political Parties ................................646  Religious Organizations....................692  Fire extinguishing eqpt
       Party Goods Rentals ........................618  Polythene Mfrs& Suppliers   See also: Associations  Key cutting, Locksmiths
       Party Planners & Organizers ..........618  See: Rubber products mfrs& suppliers  Churches  Safety eqpt, Security services
       See also: Children party services  Polystyrene ......................................648  Removals ..........................................694  Security Services ..............................722
       Corporate entertainment  Polytechnics           See also: Transport services  See also: Police, Security eqpt systems
       Party Services ..................................620  See: Education - Polytechnics  Research Institutions........................694  Seeds ................................................726
       See also: Party planners & organizers  Post Offices ......................................648  See also: Market research & analysis  See also: Agricultural products general
       Paving Services ................................620  See also: Courier services  Restaurants ......................................696  Shark Fins ........................................726
       Pawpaw ............................................620  Government offices &institutions  See also: Catering Services  See: Fishing companies
       See also:  Agricultural products general  Poultry..............................................648  Road Construction Eqpt ..................706  Sheanuts & Sheabutter ....................726
       Pay TV..............................................620  See also: Agricultural products general  See also: Eqpt hire  Sheet Metal Work ............................726
       Payroll Services ................................620  Poultry & Animal Feed ....................648  Heavy dutyeqpt  Shelving & Racking..........................726
       See also: Accounting software  Power Tool Supplies & Repairs  ......648  Plant & machinery hire  See also: Shop fitters
       Perfumes ..........................................620  Prefabricated Buildings    Road Contractors ............................706  Ship Builders & Repairs ..................726
       Personal Care Products....................622  See: Building - prefabricated  See also: Building contractors   See also: Marine engineers
       Personal Care Products Mfrs&Whsl622  Primary Education  Civil engineers  Shipping Agents................................728
       Personnel Consultants   See: Education - primary  Road Haulage Services   See also: Freight & forwarding agents
       See: Consultants - Personnel  Printers & Lithographers ................648  See: Haulage  Shipping Companies ........................728
       Pest Control Services........................622  Printing Consumables &Eqpt ..........658  Road Safety Mngt&Maint. Services 708  Shoe Shops........................................728
       See also: Building-Damp proofing ..........  Procurement Consultants ................660  Roller Shutters..................................708  See also: Footwear mfrs&whsl
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