P. 16
Official Partnership Program
Memuliakan warisan bumi untuk kesejahteraan mas- Events
yarakat lingkar Rinjani bukanlah pekerjaan mudah.
Diperlukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak. Sampai
dengan saat ini Badan Pengelola RLUGGp telah mem-
buat kesepakatan nota kesepahaman (MoU) dan Per- Training Sessions
janjian Kerja Sama (PKS) dengan berbagai pihak untuk
mendukung terlaksananya program-program kegiatan-
nya. Sejak dibentuk pada tahun 2015, Dewan Pelaksana
Badan Pengelola RLUGGp telah melakukan berbagai Sustainable Projects
kegiatan bersama mitra kerja di kawasan RLUGGp.
Celebrating earth heritage for the welfare of the people Literacies Program
around Rinjani is not an easy job. Collaboration with
various parties is required. To date, the RLUGGp Man-
agement Agency has made a memorandum of under-
standing (MoU) and Letter of Cooperation Agreement Dalam upaya mendukung program prioritas Provinsi NTB tahun 2022 pada diversifikasi ekonomi untuk mening-
with various parties to support the implementation of katkan kesejahteraan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat melalui peningkatan kualitas SDM terutama akibat pandemi
its program activities. Since its formation in 2015, the covid-19, Badan Pengelola RLUGGp merancang program kegiatan yang akan berdampak besar dan dapat dirasakan
Executive Board of the RLUGGp Management Agency secara langsung oleh masyarakat dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian alam.
has carried out various activities with working partners
in the RLUGGp area. Program-progam yang berorientasi pada peningkatan kualitas kesehatan, pendidikan, pariwisata dan peningka-
tan nilai tambah serta daya saing produk di industri ekonomi kreatif yang dibagi menjadi empat kategori pro-
gram: event, training session, sustainable project, dan literacies program menjadi fokus program Badan Pengelola
RLUGGp di tahun 2022 ini.
In an effort to support the priority program of the NTB Province in 2022 on economic diversification to improve the
social and economic welfare of the community through improving the quality of human resources, especially due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the RLUGGp Management Agency has designed a program of activities that will have
a major impact and can be felt directly by the community while continuing to preserve nature.
Programs that are oriented towards improving health quality, education, tourism and increasing added value and
product competitiveness in the creative economy industry which are divided into four program categories: events,
training sessions, sustainable projects, and literacy programs are the focus of the RLUGGp Management Agency
program in this 2022.
Geotourism Festival &
International Conference
16 2022 Program Catalogue Rinjani Lombok UGGp & BR 2022 Program Catalogue Rinjani Lombok UGGp & BR 17