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Your tour
Your Haryana sightseeing tour offers
adventure, exploration and sightseeing
in equal measure. There are many
places of historical interest like Jal
Mahal and Rai Bal Mukund Das ka
Chatta which are a part of its heritage
and culture.
There are many parks like Aravalli
Biodiversity Park and Sultanpur
National Park where you can plan an
outing and admire the beauty of flora
and fauna surrounding you. Lakes are
also a prominent part of its landscape,
ABOUT and many of them possess a religious
The name of Haryana instantly -The climate of Haryana is very hot in summer
conjures up the image of a State and cold in winters.
which astonishingly combines both- -The hottest months are May and June and the
coldest being December and January.
antiquity and plenty. The Vedic land Haryana is a North Indian state -About 80% of the rainfall occurs in the
of Haryana has been a cradle of surrounding New Delhi on 3 sides. monsoon season during the months of July and
Indian culture and civilization. Indian The Yamuna River runs along its September.
-The temperature falls to the lowest in January
traditions regard this region as the eastern border with Uttar Pradesh. and reaches up to 50 C during the months of
matrix of creation of northern altar’ Shared with Punjab, the state May and June.
where Brahma performed the capital Chandigarh is known for its -Winter months have average temperatures in
the range 3 C to 9 C and the summer months
pristine sacrifice and created the modernist buildings and grid like temperatures are higher in the range of 48 C to
universe. street plan designed by Swiss 35 C
architect, Le Corbusier.