Page 21 - Langenburg Community Profile 2020-2021
P. 21

SKATE PARK                                          OUTDOOR SKATING RINK

           This skate park is an out of ground skate park that  Located  at  the  Langenburg  Central  School  grounds  is  a
           includes  grind  boxes,  rails,  and  ramps  for  bikers,  new  multipurpose  outdoor  skating  rink.  During  the
           scooters and skateboarders to enjoy. From spring -  Spring, Fall and Summer you will often find kids shooting
           fall  this  small  park  located  in  Centennial  Park  is  hoops or having a pick up basketball game. In the winter
           booming with youth mastering  their extreme sport   it becomes the spot to work on your skating and hockey
           skills.                                             skills. This is a volunteer run outdoor facility.

           CROKICURL                                            NEW HORIZON'S CENTRE

           A  new  Canadian  game  Crokicurl  is  a  large  scale  The  New  Horizon's  Center  is  operated  by  the  New
           hybrid  of  curling  and  the  board  game  Crokinole.  Horizon's  Club.  It  is  a  non-profit  community  facility
           Originating  in  Winnipeg,  it  has  become  one  of  utilized  as  a  recreation  space  and  also  for  gatherings.
           Canadians  favorite  winter  past  times  and  is  being  Many social activities take place in this hall and cater to
           built all over the country. This is a great family and  the  older  adult  population.This  spacious  and  cozy  hall
           friends activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. It is  includes a small stage, dance floor, shuffle boards, floor
           located in Centennial Park.                         curling, and pool tables as well as a basement with a full
                                                               kitchen facility. The space is fully accessible including its
           LANGENBURG FITNESS CENTRE                           newest addition of a wheel chair ramp as well as a chair
           A  brand  new  Fitness  Centre  is  located  at  the  lift for the stairs leading to the basement.
           Langenburg Central School and is open to the public
           during non-school hours.

                                                         Juli Mitschke
                                                    RECREATION DIRECTOR
                                                       P: (306) 743-5176
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