Page 37 - New Hire Book 012022
P. 37


            LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT AND CEO         2                  Keeping Accurate Accounting           19
                                                                         and Financial Records
            OUR COMMITMENTS                           3                  Public Release of Corporate Information   19
                                                                         and Quality of Public Disclosures
                                                                         Insider Trading                       20
            THE ESSENTIALS                            4
               Why Do We Have a Code?                 5                  Government Contracting                21
               Who Must Follow Our Code?              5
                                                                     OUR MARKETPLACE                           22
               Ethical Decision Making                6
                                                                         Fair Dealing                          23
               Seeking Guidance and Raising Concerns   6
               Our Commitment to Preventing Retaliation   7              Fair Competition                      23
                                                                         Interacting with Our Partners         24
               Further Expectations for Managers       7
                                                                         Creating Quality Products             24
               Approvals, Amendments and Waivers       7
                                                                         Anti-Corruption                       25

            OUR COLLEAGUES                            8                  Imports and Exports                   26
                                                                         International Trade Compliance        27
               Communicating Openly                   9
               Embracing Inclusion and Diversity      9
               Preventing Harassment and Discrimination   10         OUR COMMUNITIES                           28
                                                                         Sustainability and Responsibility     28
               Ensuring Health and Safety             11
                                                                         Kontoor Brands' Responsible Sourcing Program   29
               Protecting Employee Privacy            11
               Protecting Consumer and Third-Party Data   11             Local Community Relations and Volunteerism   29
                                                                         Charitable Donations                  29
                                                                         Political Activities                  29
            OUR COMPANY                               12
               Disclosing Conflicts of Interest       13
               Gifts and Entertainment                16             A FINAL WORD                              30
                                                                         Ethical Decision Making               31
               Using and Protecting Company Property   17
               and Information

               Appropriate Use of Social Media        18             RESOURCES                                 32

                                                                                                              APPENDIX  33
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42