Page 172 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 172

If you can, you should consider offering a general suggestion for an activity or strategy that
would help this company in the fight against their competition, such as:

      Marketing opportunities
      Current trends
   The biggest point of all this is to show that you have done your research on the company and
the industry and that you can have an informed, intelligent discussion about it.

                                    Key to a Great Interview
                                          SWOT Analysis

SWOT is a strategic planning tool that stands for:
      Strengths (attributes helpful to achieving the objective)
      Weaknesses (attributes harmful to achieving the objective)
      Opportunities (external conditions that will be helpful to achieving the objective)
      Threats (external obstacles or conditions that will harm the process)

    Doing a SWOT analysis on the company demonstrates your drive, commitment, and skills,
                        along with helping you create a better 30/60/90-day plan.
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