Page 9 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 9

It's your dime. (Interviewer doesn't ask questions)

Job Interview Question 51

            Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented

Job Interview Question 52

            Tell me about a time when you helped someone

Job Interview Question 53

            Tell me about a time when you misjudged a person

Job Interview Question 54

            Tell me about a time you conveyed technical information to a non-technical audience

Job Interview Question 55

            Tell me about a time you had to take initiative

Job Interview Question 56

            Tell me about a time you planned and coordinated a project from start to finish

Job Interview Question 57

            Tell me about a work incident in which you were totally honest, despite a potential
            risk or downside

Job Interview Question 58

            Tell me about the last time you were angry or upset at work. What happened?

Job Interview Question 59

            Tell me about the toughest negotiation you've ever been in

Job Interview Question 60

            Tell me about the worst boss you've ever had

Job Interview Question 61

            Tell me about your current (most recent) employer (i.e. what do they do, how long
            they’ve been in business, etc.)

Job Interview Question 62

            Under what circumstances have you found it acceptable to break confidence?

Job Interview Question 63

            Walk me through your career from the start to where it is now.

Job Interview Question 64

            What are some of your leadership experiences?

Job Interview Question 65

            What are the most important qualities of successful people? How do you rate yourself
            in those areas?

Job Interview Question 66

            What are your long-term career goals?
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