Page 124 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 124


This question does two things. First, it impresses the interviewer that
you are not content to let important conversations end without some
commitment to closure. Second, it lets the interviewer know that you
have a vested interest in the outcome of the process and you are not
going away until a decision has been made.

When do I start?
It’s hard to imagine a more direct or aggressive question, so I urge
caution when considering it. Be sure to smile when you ask it, indi-
cating that you consider the question more a statement of confidence
than a real question that requires an answer. Some interviewers
consider this question off-putting. Others will find it charming and
indicative of a very strong, sales-oriented applicant. You have to use
your judgment based on the position and the tone of the entire inter-
view. Factors for using the question: the assignment is a sales job and
the interviewer comes out of sales. Factors for not using the ques-
tion: there is little or no sales responsibilities for the assignment and
the interviewer seems more formal than informal. If you’re in doubt,
go with phrasing such as, “What are the next steps in this interview
process?” or “When can I expect to hear from you?” or “How soon
are you looking to fill this position?”


Corporate culture is very important, but it’s usually hard to define until
one violates it. What is one thing an employee might do here that would
be perceived as a violation of the company’s culture?
This question reveals a sophisticated understanding of corporate cul-
ture as a force most easily observed in its violation. Typical responses
are lying and other ethical breaches, but listen for other clues.

How would you describe the experience of working here?
Here’s a question that goes to the interviewer’s experience of corpo-
rate culture.

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