Page 140 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 140

The company has                  THE QUESTION LIFE CYCLE
implemented formal
policies and procedures                         Policies and
                                                procedures are
12                       3                      mostly informal,


Describe the general working atmosphere of the company.

Formal                           Casual

12                       3       45

Big business                     Entrepreneurial

12                       3       45

Highly structured                Chaotic

12                       3       45

High pressure                    Laid-back

12                       3       45

Scoring: If there is reasonable agreement between the two sets of
marks, you can have confidence that the cultures of the two com-
panies are similar. If you succeeded in one, it is likely you will be
successful in the other. But watch out if there is a radical discon-
nect between the two sets of marks. That means the behaviors that
have stood you in good stead in your last company may well create
friction for you in the new one. Changing cultures is not necessarily
a bad thing, but doing so without awareness is a prescription for

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