Page 158 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 158


How does your firm handle recognition for a job well done?
The way an organization rewards achievement tells you a lot about
its culture.

When was the last time you rewarded a subordinate for his or her
efforts? What token of appreciation did you offer?
This question goes from the general to the specific. You are now ask-
ing about the manager’s practices in rewarding subordinates.

How does the firm recognize and learn from a brave attempt that didn’t
turn out quite as expected?
Many companies say they have a nonpunitive attitude toward man-
agers who make mistakes, but few live up to the attitude. Ask about
a time when the lessons from a mistake were widely disseminated
across the organization.

How much freedom would I have in determining my objectives and
This question goes to how much authority you will have to do
your job in the manner you see fit versus working to someone else’s

 ? Memorably Bad Question

   I have custody of my niece and can get child care only three
   days a week. Can I bring her to work with me the other days?

   We want to be sensitive to child-care issues, but we also
   expect candidates to have these issues under control.

                                                      Richard Kathnelson
                                                      Vice President of Human Resources
                                                      Syndesis, Inc.
                                                      Ontario, Canada

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