Page 172 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 172


? Memorably Good Question

If you were making the hiring decision right now, would you
pick me over the other candidates—and why?
This was the best question I was asked by an applicant. This
question was particularly good because the interview was for
a sales position. This question showed me that the person
wasn’t afraid to know what objections “the customer”—me!—
really was thinking about.

                                                  Mylene Duffy
                                                  President and CEO
                                                  Bilingual Job Fair

? Memorably Bad Question

I don’t have any experience, so can I get a job in
That might be hard. You may be overqualified.

                                                  ACT-1 Recruiter
                                                  Mountain View, CA

? Memorably Bad Question

What do you pay me if you fire me?
Don’t worry. We’ll never have to deal with that issue.

                                                  ACT-1 Recruiter
                                                  Phoenix, AZ

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