Page 195 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 195


How many days will it take for you (and the company) to make a hir-
ing decision for this position?
The superstar might as well have said “hours.” Organizations know
they have to move quickly to snag the best candidates.

Who are the “coolest” people on my team? What makes them cool?
Can I meet them? Who are the best and worst performers on the team,
and what was the difference in their total compensation last year? Sell
me on this team and the individuals on it with whom I get to work.
What makes my closest co-workers fun or great people to work with?
These are complicated questions but all focused on understanding
the makeup of the team you will be joining. These are the people
who will determine whether you succeed or fail.

What is your “learning plan” for me for my first six months? What
competencies do you propose I will develop that I don’t currently have?
Which individual in the department can I learn the most from? What
can he or she teach me? Can I meet that person? Does the company
have a specific program to advance my career?
These questions pin the company down on resources for advancing
your portfolio of skills.

Assuming I’m current with my work, how many days could I not show
up at the office each week? Could I miss a day without your advance
permission? What percentage of the people in this position telecom-
mute? Has anyone in the group been allowed to take a month off
(unpaid) to fulfill a personal interest?
If personal autonomy is important to you, get it on the table and
determine if there is precedent for what you want. It’s much easier to
follow precedent than to create it.

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