Page 33 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 33


vapor-lock and spill out something really dumb. If you have been
interviewing with a number of companies, it is easy to forget where
you are and ask a totally inappropriate question, such as asking
about manufacturing facilities at an insurance company. Protect
yourself and make yourself look professional by preparing questions
in advance.

   • It improves your performance. Knowing which questions you will
ask generally makes the interview go better. It breeds confidence.
You will be able to guide the interview to highlight your qualifica-
tions in a way that your questions will underscore.

   • It makes you look prepared. That’s a good thing as far as inter-
viewers are concerned.


Depending on how the interview goes, you may have time to ask
only one question. If that’s the case, make it a killer question.

   Everyone has a different killer question. Ask yourself, if you could
present just one question, what would it be? Think about the brand
you want to present. You are that brand. Take some time to think
of the question that allows you to differentiate yourself from the

   In many cases, the killer question has three elements:

• A statement that you appreciate the company’s challenges or

• An assertion that you can solve the problem
• A request that you be given the opportunity to do so

The thoroughness with which you prepare for this question goes a
long way in deciding whether you will be successful in getting a job

   Formulating open-ended, penetrating questions gives you a leg up
on the competition. The right questions give the hiring manager a bet-
ter picture of your value proposition to the company, the only basis
on which you will be offered a position. The fifteen rules that follow

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