Page 91 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 91


       Five Ways to Get Recruiters on Your Side

   We all need all the help we can get. A trusting relationship
   with a professional recruiter can move your career ahead.
   You can do your part to establish that trust by observing the
   following guidelines. Remember that the employer compen-
   sates recruiters. But it’s a win-win situation. They win when
   they refer you for a position you accept.

   1. Be up-front about your financial needs and goals.
   2. Take time to learn about the recruiter’s practice and the

       markets he or she serves.
   3. Establish the ground rules for how you plan to work

       together and avoid duplication of effort.
   4. Offer names of other candidates who may fit a recruiter’s

       portfolio. In appreciation, the recruiter may set up more
       interviews for you.
   5. Recruiters want you to be successful. Ask them to coach
       you for the interviews they arrange.

After you present my résumé, when can I expect to hear from you
regarding the status of this position?
Set expectations with the recruiter about the frequency of updates
regarding your candidacy. You should also insist that the recruiter
inform you about other opportunities and ask for your permission
before presenting you to any other clients. This tells the recruiter you
are a professional.

What might I do that would violate the culture of the company during
my interview?
Corporate culture is tricky to describe but putting it this way makes
it easier to understand the culture and to avoid doing something to
violate it.

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