Page 9 - BPA Area 3-Parameter A
P. 9
The University has a robust Faculty Development Program to
assist faculty in the acquisition of advanced knowledge and
theories based on the field of specialization.
In order to sustain the effectiveness of the faculty, the University sees
to it that the teachers are properly motivated by giving them opportunities
for personal and professional development. A faculty development plan is
being implemented by the University with the following objectives:
1. to improve professional qualifications of faculty membersand
the faculty profile of the University; and
2. to update the knowledge and teaching/ work competencies of
faculty and non-teaching personnel
along fields of specialization suited to the person’s interest and
capabilities and in consonance with
the priority needs of the University.
To attain the foregoing objectives, the following strategies were
1. provision of study grants, fellowships and tuition fee
exemption for qualified personnel;
2. allowing faculty members to attend conferences, seminars
and workshops on topics relevant to their work and fields of
3. conduct of in-service trainings for faculty members.