Page 28 - BPA Area 8-PPP
P. 28


                  Isabela  State  University  assures  that  the  buildings  and  other  facilities  are  safe,  well-maintained  and
                  functional. It aims to manage the physical factors of the work environment that are necessary for achieving
                  conforming service.

               4.  BEST PRACTICES
                      •  The Isabela State University assures that there is enough Budgetary Allocation for the expansion,
                         maintenance and construction of new buildings and Facilities. As an evidence ISU has four (4)
                         newly constructed facility namely: 2 Classroom Building (located at CAS), Science Laboratory
                         Building (located at CAS), Veterinary Laboratory Building, Animal Husbandry Laboratory Building
                         and the Climate Change Center.

                 27 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area VIII: Physical Plants and Facilities/BPA
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