Page 3 - BPA Area 8-Compliance
P. 3
Compliance Report on the Survey Team’s
The Quality plan of the
It is suggested that fire
University ensures the
extinguishers should be availability and
periodically checked to management of facilities
identify expired fire and equipment including 100%
extinguishers and make sure
that the gas is at the right the conduct of periodic
check for fire extinguishers
pressure to extinguish fire in to identify expired and
case of emergency.
those that needs refill.
Buildings at Isabela State
To assure safety of building University are insured as
occupants and visitors, it is compliance to assure safety
recommended that Certificate and protection of facilities 100%
of Occupancy should be of the university. Insurance
secured and posted in every Certificate of buildings is
building present at the University
Supply Office.
The Isabela State University
assures that there is enough
If the budget permits, Budgetary Allocation for the
laboratory rooms should be expansion, maintenance
constructed with two doors
opening outward to ensure and construction of new 100%
buildings and facilities. For
faster movement in case of the program’s laboratory an
approved budget was
allocated for repair.
The administration may The Isabela State University
allocate a budget for the Main Campus was able to
construction of the student provide budget for the
center to cater to the needs construction of Student
of the students and if possible Center. The said center is 100%
the center should be located conveniently located in
in a strategic location of the front of the administration
campus to be accessible to all building making it more
students. accessible to all students