Page 24 - healing project(1)_Neat
P. 24
So how did they save my life? I’ll explain
Once or twice a year, I projected myself into the In conjunction, I asked
I do a detox and cleanse. giant pyramids in Giza. and saw my prostate
As I was doing this, the reducing to normal and
therapist I was working Projection is a very had a ton of gratitude in
with told me my prostate powerful energy tool if my heart for doing so.
gland was very large. done correctly.
As I did so , I could feel
This was alarming for It is where, using 99+% the “magnetic field”
obvious reasons. heart energy and but 1% I created. It was
At the time I had about or less imagination, you “ profound. I did this
$25 and was living in my project” the image with several times over the
mother’s spare bedroom energy. next few days.
in Florida and in a very
bad place spiritually and Doing this correctly can When I returned to the
emotionally. give you the same if not therapist about a week
better effect as being in a later, she made a point
The herbs for prostate physical pyramid and a lot to tell me that my
issues in the health food easier and less expensive prostate amazingly had
store cost $30 Plus. obviously. returned to normal size.!
It was the only non
medical solution I knew. It is not visualization. This lead me to some
That is done solely with the profound healing
A simple doctor’s imagination has much less breakthroughs with
appointment would power and thus people in both using
have cost me hundreds effectiveness. pyramids and teaching
of dollars I did not have. people to project and
I also projected a smaller direct energy and
So I had to think a bit! pyramid, about the size of connect to the universal
Remembering what David a football around my cosmic vibration.
shared about pyramids prostate area.
and what I know about
energy “projection”,